Biz Tip: N O

Hi salam, everyone, AbangAbu believe all are enjoying the journey of life . Many ups and downs , happy moments and challenging moments, laughter and cries all are part of the must happen things in our journey.

In business too many such things happen, whether you like it or not you still have to face it.

Today , AbangAbu want to share a very powerful word in business. It is the word NO.

Do you know that this word NO had created many successful entrepreneurs around the globe.

I am very sure that many of us had always get this word from our customers when we want to sell something. And how many of us always give up after we get so many NO’s . I am sure many of us doing that.

However, Successful entrepreneurs had used this word to their advantage and create great things.

So whats so powerful ? you might be asking…. rilex AbangAbu want to give you suspense………………………………………………………………………………………

N=  New

O= Opportunity

This is what i meant. When ever you get an answer of NO , always ask your self what is Next or New Opportunity with this person or situation.

Ask why they said no? and you will get a new idea… this is the secret to be successful entrepreneur.

So never take NO as an answer. Just keep asking why and why until you get new ideas to satisfy the customers need.

Today , AbangAbu would love you to just focus on this as it will bring you new ideas and do comment on this article as well share your own thoughts.

AbangAbu wish every one to prosper during this economic times.

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