Biz Tips – R E F E R

Great day wishes from AbangAbu. We are meeting in another Tuesday for this week Tuesday business tips. One of the best ways to get customers and new customer for your business during tough period is by getting referrals.

A lot of people just forget to understand the power of this referral. It is a proven method and one of the cheapest way to get customer.

So AbangAbu would like to give you another great tip, let’s start getting REFERRAL.

To get REFERRAL you must adopt REFER……….

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R – Relationship

Build a strong relationship with your current customers. Do contact them and tell them about what you have to offer them. Thank them for their business with you. Find out from them if the product or service that they get from you benefits them? Keep the relationship always warm by keeping touch with them.

E – Expect referrals

Make them a condition of doing business with your firm. Set the expectation from the outset. Look your new client in the eye and promise to make their life better. Then, tell them that they are going to provide you with 3 referrals by the end of the month. You’ll be amazed at how many will do it. If you wait until later, you are essentially changing the rules of the relationship and nobody likes change.

F- Fee

This is most common on agent based business like real estate, insurance as well network marketing. Recent time it has expanded to many other industries. Generally this fee is a percentage of the final commission received by the agent who accepts the referral. Think of anyway that if there is way to introduce fee in your referral system.

E – Easy

Make It Easy , present your client or referral network member with a very easy way to refer you. Write the letter or referral, create and stamp a postcard that only needs to be addressed by your referral partner, offer to get on the phone with them to make the call.

This will make them easy to refer you more business and customers.

R – Recognition

Create some form of thank you or recognition
and make sure your clients know about it. Movie tickets, flowers, thank you notes and, of course, cash, go a long way towards motivating people. Don’t worries so much about what; just realize that appreciation goes a long way with people.

AbangAbu belive that this tip will help you get more customers and enjoy abundance of  wealth into your life.

PS: Konvensyen DARI KOSONG SAMPAI JUTAWAN january 17 di KL

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