This Week Entreprenuer – Faza & Fazul – Classic Baker(Singapore)

Faza and Fazul. Sister and brother team who started something out from their passion for baking.
Without any business experiences , they jump into business with only passion and believe .

Singapore business scene will require a lot of money to set up a business for someone new and limited sources.

They did start , knowing the risk and work that will be required in making it work. And yes they did and now started to grow their business slowly but surely …

AbangAbu ask few questions on the journey in entrepreneurship , career , hope and aspiration………

READ , SHARE , And just post one lesson that you learn from this conversation……. All respondent will be given discount vouchers…

1)What kind of business do you have? 
Spreading love and care around.

Currently, I’m selling different bakes to share with family and friends.


What inspired you to become an Entrepreneur business owner?
To have a better financial means and to achieve success and help the community.

2)Did you need to have a certain mindset to achieve success?

Having a right mindset is crucial. 
Just do it. Keep doing it Until you get it.

3)Have you noticed certain advantages to being an entrepreneur business owner?

I am making new friends and learning from many people, their experiences. It allows me to have different perspective of life. It helps me to prioritise what is important for me. 

4)Did you have a mentor to help you get started?

Yes. Abang Abu. Having a mentor helps. It’s like finding a way home when we are lost. 

5)Approximately how much money did you invest before your business became profitable?

I started with $2 given by Abang Abu. Having supportive family helps a lot too.

6)What ways have you found to be most effective in marketing your product or service to get sales?

Word of mouth and of course the social media, IG and FB.

7)What tips can you give others who want to embrace their dream but, don’t have the confidence or feel they don’t have what it takes to succeed?

Have a plan and mentor. Execute it.

8)What’s next for you?
Growing the company. Having detail SOPs.

9)Few words of AbangAbu.

Thank you Abang Abu for the time that you share and guide us. It has been a pleasure meeting you and getting to know you. It helps me to align my business and grow me as a person. Thank you so much. Semoga Allah terus memberkati usaha Abang Abu untuk memandaikan bangsa. Amin.

10) One fav hadis , quote or book that impacted you?.

Man Jaddah, Wa Jaddah.

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