First Half Review

We are approaching the final stages of the first half of 2011. And I am sure we had been busy all the months “trying” to achieve all the goals that we set in the beginning of the year.

And there must be people who had achieved their half year goals and some might forget everything about their goals as they been busy with the demand of life, be it working , studying or even doing nothing.

As in any sports, there will be a period that each team will have a chance to review and re plan during the half time. Same goes for us.

I am sure in these last few days , it will be great if we can invest some time to look back of the things that we set at the beginning of the year. Ask question like

1) What were my financial goals? Kompas Wang can be a help!

2) Did i or am i on the track? MAP Budget Software help to ease it!

3) Have i started to increase my income/ or start my business? Manual Starting homebased business is ready!

4) Any new things that i need to learn to speed up?

5) Need to meet someone to talk and get idea? MEKANIK$ IBM

and any other questions that might help you as well.

As you know it is always the second half is very critical on getting to your goal. Here is the time to find out the SWOT ( diagram above) and re plan to suit your current situation and condition.

I am sure this will be a great thing for all us to do at this period of the year. I am doing it now and really surprise about how much i have to do and i am still not 40% of my goal this 2011. I need to buck up and get it action for 1st half analysis.

see you again in few days time

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