Power of NIAT ( Intention)

Hi all my friends. I am sure all of you are doing great. AbangAbu have been very busy with so many things that happening at the same time. Some of what we planned work great and some did not turn out as we wanted too.

AbangAbu is a person would like to see why such things happen?

Than when i focus on this that does not work as what we wanted or even never take place at all, i become scared as the negative energy from it is not what i like to feel? So when you have things that you want to happen in your life did not turn out as what you wanted please go ahead with life.Never spend too much time thinking about it which will drain your energy.

And than i start to focus on things that turn out very well as what we wanted and some even better than what we thought. This give you positive energy that suddenly more better things start to roll in to your life.

However , when AbangAbu sit down and think back why is that some happen and some did not?

Many factors involved:
First is NIAT.

AbangAbu always like to check back the NIAT when something does not happen. Look what were our INTENTION when we start something.

First , does that intention is aligned with our own values? Check that. Some times when the intention is not align to our values it will never work.

Second, Sometime our INTENTION is just to make others happy. This will never work as it is not our own intention.

third , We might have Intend but our INTENTION might not strong enough that other factors like money , time or other things block the INTENTION to flow thru into our mind.

SO check all these when ever somethings doesnt go according top our plan. From this exercise you will be able to identify why things does not work.

Next time do this process and you will know what i am saying. Do attend my MAP to be RICH and you will expirience it .

check it out

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