CHALLENGE $50 : Updates and This Week $50 Challange

Congratulations to suhail for being the first ever $50 challenge brought to you by

1st week cash prize sponsored by MAP2BRICH E Coaching .

Here is the winner getting the CASH  ,,,,,,,…….

The real Hard Cash
The real Hard Cash

So this week challenge…… Again the requirements to participate …

You must download ABU success method ebook .

You must write the answer at the comments section below.

THE QUESTION for This Challenge ………

A. B. U  stands for ……….. List 5 different words

example A.B.U = Always Believe Urself

So………. The challenge is on now………..

The cash prize is sponsored by  AhshikThe Boss


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  1. Murni Binte Abdul Hamid

    1) Anak Bangsa Unggul
    2) Always Be Urself
    3) Aim Being Unity
    4) Anak Bijak Unik
    5) Akan Bawak Untung

  2. Fatimah

    – Always Believe in U
    – Always Be Ureself
    – Always Be Unstoppable

    Hmm… tried to download your ebook, tapi tak dpt email confirmation. Ada newer version ke? I downloaded the A.B.U ebook quite some time ago… tapi can only find these 3…


  3. murni

    hehe..i thought just try to create myself..i didn’t received ur ebook download from yesterday..

    Just try my luck again..
    Always Believe in U
    Always Be Ureself
    Always Be Unstoppable
    Always Be Unique
    Always Be Unusual

  4. I cant say it is wrong….. however only 4 words that we wanted is there. Need one more word……. GREAT job… keep doing you almost there

  5. Fatimah

    Always Believe in U
    Always Be Ureself
    Always Be Unstoppable
    Always Be Unique
    Always Believe in Ur Aim?

    Ok tak?

  6. Fatimah

    A= accept?

    Are the answers all in the ebook? Atau kena create sendiri?
    Takde hint ke? 🙂

  7. Good try , but not that. Answers are not directly in the ebook but the hints are there. anyway the 4 worsd are already find out here … so anyone who can confirm all five than they will get the cash… keep moving

  8. Nur Fadhillah

    always believe in U
    always be urself
    always be unique
    always be unstoppable
    always be untouchable

  9. Nur Fadhillah

    always believe in U
    always be urself
    always be unique
    always be unstoppable
    always be unshakeble

  10. Muzalifah

    always believe in U
    always be urself
    always be unique
    always be unstoppable
    always be Unwaivering

  11. Murni Binte Abdul Hamid

    always believe in U
    always be urself
    always be unique
    always be unstoppable
    always be understanding

  12. Almost there…..
    What we look is almost there….

    ramai dapat yang kita nak melainkan satu lagi.

    Keep trying and i am sure someone will get it by this week…


  13. Fatimah

    Always Be Unaffected?
    Always Be Unlimited?
    Always Be Uncomparable?
    Always Be Uncomplaining?
    Always Be Undauntable?
    Always Be United?
    Always Be Uplifted?

    Hehe.. kalau blh semua word U nak tulis….

  14. Nur Fadhillah

    always believe in U
    always be urself
    always be unique
    always be unstoppable
    always be unpredictable

    ape eh????

  15. Nur Fadhillah

    always believe in U
    always be urself
    always be unique
    always be unstoppable
    A-aim B-believe U-u do it

  16. Nora

    Always Believe in U
    Always Be Ureself
    Always Be Unstoppable
    Ask to Better Urself
    Aim to Be Unstoppable

  17. Salam.

    Sister Murni almost get it …

    just that i want all the 5 in one . you have done it but in diferent comments. so thats the hint……

    So grab it

  18. Murni Binte Abdul Hamid

    always believe in U
    always be urself
    always be unique
    always be unstoppable
    always begins with U

  19. Fatimah

    Always Believe in U
    Always Be Ureself
    Always Be Unstoppable
    Always Be Unique
    Always Begin With U

  20. Fatimah

    Sorry… baru perasan sister murni dah tulis the same thing above…

    Ok, so I try another one:

    Always Believe in U
    Always Be Ureself
    Always Be Unstoppable
    Always Be Unique
    All Because of U

  21. keep trying, i am looking the winner before monday…

    the hint is there already…..
    sister murni got it in one of the comments . just need to put it accordingly …. so the hint again…

  22. Murni Binte Abdul Hamid

    I can’t get it.. which one is true..
    i try to put it again…

    Always Believe in U
    Always Be Urself
    Always Be Unstoppable
    Always Be Unique
    Always Begins with U

  23. Murni Binte Abdul Hamid

    ok try one more..hehe

    Always Believe in U
    Always Be Urself
    Always Be Unstoppable
    Always Begins with U
    Always Be Unique

  24. murni

    Always Believe in U
    Always Be Urself
    Always Be Unstoppable
    Always Begins with U
    Always Be Unusual

  25. murni

    Always Believe in U
    Always Be Urself
    Always Be Unstoppable
    Always Be Unusual
    All Because of U

  26. murni

    Always Believe in U
    Always Be Urself
    Always Be Unstoppable
    Always Begin with U
    Aim Big in U

  27. Nora

    Aim Big in U
    Always Begins with U
    Always Believe in U
    Always Be Urself
    Always Be Unstoppable

  28. Ali

    always believe in U
    always be urself
    always be unique
    always be unstoppable
    Allah be with U

  29. Ali

    always believe in U
    always be urself
    always be unique
    always be unstoppable
    all begins with U

  30. Salam, I will now let all know the first three

    Always Believe in Urself
    Always Be Urself
    Always Be Unstoppable

    so whats the 2 more that AbangAbu looking for……

    lets try and get it by today insya allah.

  31. Murni Binte Abdul Hamid

    Always Believe in Urself
    Always Be Urself
    Always Be Unstoppable
    Always Begins with U
    Always Be Unique

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