Biz Tips – RETAIL

Are you running a retail business? Do you think of starting one? Than todays tip will be very useful for you. AbangAbu would like to share some of the tips that will be useful in making your business on track. This is even very important during this period of economy where the crisis is still … [Read more…]

Belia dan bisnes: Pentingnya Semangat AKU BOLEH

EKONIAGA BELIA & BISNES Pentingnya menanam semangat ‘aku boleh’ Oleh Abang Abu APAKAH persiapan anda sebagai seorang usahawan dan peniaga dalam merealisasikan matlamat yang telah dilakarkan oleh Jawatankuasa Strategi Ekonomi (ESC)? AbangAbu merasakan usahawan-usahawan Melayu perlu berusaha gigih sekiranya hendak mencapai matlamat tersebut. Apakah yang harus dilakukan supaya usahawan Melayu juga dapat melangkah ke persada … [Read more…]

Ideas : Key To Wealth

Hi, Its been busy for few days of traveling, meetings and plannings. A more complete AbangAbu is emerging everyday. Learning new things and implementing new systems in my business and life. Something useful for the community is in the making …… MENTOR NIAGA CD—AbangAbu , Ust TM Fouzy , Sujimy Being productive will be key … [Read more…]


It’s been a tough year for the richest people in the world. Last year there were 1,125 billionaires. This year there are just 793 people rich enough to make to the list. AbangAbu encountered the same situation of all these billionaires. Investments are not working as what been expected. Deals breaks , Business do not … [Read more…]

Belia Dan Bisnes : Produktif dalam perniagaan dan diri anda

29 Jan 2010 EKONIAGA BELIA DAN BISNES Produktif dalam perniagaan dan diri anda Oleh Abang Abu BARU-BARU ini, kita pasti mendengar atau membaca mengenai isu produktif dalam perniagaan dan diri anda di akhbar serta radio. Malah para pemimpin juga membincangkan mengenainya. Untuk Singapura terus maju serta bersaing dengan negara-negara lain maka produktiviti harus dipertingkat.